On a bad day, there is always Crochet!

Hi there, welcome to Threads in Common, the website for lovers of yarn crafts. I’m Sharon Cline, a passionate crocheter and teacher who wants to share this and other wonderful crafts with you.

I’ve been crocheting for many years, and it’s one of my favorite ways to relax, express myself, and make beautiful gifts for my family and friends. Having recently moved to the North Georgia mountains, I’m amazed at the diversity of handmade items that I’m discovering. From pottery and quilting to woodworking and jewelry there is something for everyone. I look forward to exploring and bringing these special treasures to you.

On this website, you’ll find everything you need to start or improve your personal yarn craft. You’ll discover quality products that I personally use and recommend, easy and fun patterns that you can follow along, and helpful tips and tricks that will make your projects shine. But you’ll also find other items involving our common threads such as completed items by a variety of designers.

Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, I hope you’ll find something here that inspires you and makes you happy. From cozy blankets and pillows to cute amigurumi toys and accessories, there are choices for every style. Yarn crafts are more than just a hobby, they are a way of connecting with yourself and others. As I always say, a single thread breaks easily, but threads in common, joined together, remain strong.

So, grab your hook or needles, and yarn, and join me on this colorful journey!

Sharon Cline