
ZIMMERMAN Fashion Revolution

ZIMMERMAN Fashion Revolution

Reimagining Grandma’s Doilies: The ZIMMERMAN Fashion Revolution  If you thought grandma’s doilies were relegated to the realm of quaint home decor, think again. The iconic Australian label ZIMMERMAN has been redefining the use of doilies and lace, transforming these traditional crafts into high-fashion statements. Founded by sisters Nicky and Simone Zimmermann, the brand has been…

Decorating with Doilies

Decorating with Doilies

So, what does a person use a doily for today? Surely not to wipe our child’s ice cream dribble. The following are ideas I’ve found that are easy to incorporate into your décor. Doilies are delicate and airy—perfect for lifting the mood in a room. They add texture to a bed or chair while giving…

Doilies, a history.

Doilies, a history.

Doilies, a history. I opened a drawer and discovered a handmade doily by my husband’s grandmother. Instead of dismissing it as a quaint relic, I examined the lace circle with curiosity. As a crocheter myself, I wondered if I could replicate it. What was the purpose of doilies anyway? I remembered the paper doilies we…